Do you need to replace a Peachtree remote control? Or perhaps you just want an extra remote - maybe one to keep by your chair and another to have handy for whoever's chilling on the couch across the room?
Ordering a Peachtree remote control is easy! Select your Peachtree product above - remember, some Peachtree products have similar names so look carefully!
Click on your product's name, confirm the photo is of the remote you need, and then add to cart!
Peachtree Audio remote control for:
If you have a question about Peachtree remote controls, or need a remote for the original Decco, Decco2, iDecco, musicBox, DAC*iT or DAC*iTx, original nova, iNova, nova125, decco65, nova125SE, nova65SE, novaPre, original deepblue (not deepblue2), iDac, Grand Integrated or Grand Pre please email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it